While duplicating JBoss you might get Binding Exception or java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Here is the tips to run multiple instance or Two jboss in same machine. Change the following ports.
The following examples are suits for jboss version 4.2.3.GA
1. change 8080 to 18080
2. change 8443 to 18443
3. change 8009 to 18009
1. change 8080 to 18080
1. change 8080 to 18080
2. change 8443 to 18443
4.JBOSS_HOME/server/all/deploy/ejb3.deployer/META-INF/jboss-service.xml1. change 3873 to 13873 or change 13873 to 23873
5.JBOSS_HOME1. change 18083 to 19093
6.JBOSS_HOME 1. change 11099 to 21099
2. change 11098 to 21098
1. change 11099 to 21099
2. change 11098 to 21098
3. change 14444 to 24444
4. change 14445 to 24445
5. change 14446 to 24446
1. change 9090 to 19090
2. change 8443 to 18443
3. change 9009 to 19009
The following is user defined or commercial , It is related to Temenos JBoss
You would find jremore-ra.rar file under JBOSS_HOME
There is a file ra.xml which will be found inside the jremote-ra.rar.
1. change 55006 to 65006
2. change 20002 to 30002